Mind Makers LLC

STEM accessibility for unconventional communities

When I heard my friend Isis (#ilooklikeanengineer) talking about this amazing non-profit focused on STEM diversity that she was collaborating with, I knew I needed to be a part of it. I approached Isis and Michelle about their branding and they were just as excited to work with me as I was with them!

I got to work, sketching up a variety of STEM-influenced icons until I hit the nail on the head with an icon of a resistor made out of Mind Makers double m’s. We wanted the brand to be modern, approachable, and skewed a bit to the feminine side of things without being overly girly.

From the identity system that I devised, my role with Mind Makers has grown to that of a volunteer Creative Director. The branding has also grown from the logomark to include business cards, flyers, donation solicitation letters, video title cards, social media campaign, and presentations. Last but not least, I led a small team of developers and UX designers to build a totally custom and very robust website.


The Mind Makers logo was inspired by electrical diagrams and wanting to spark connection.
Flyers, letterhead, social media promotions, a video title screen, a repeat pattern
Mind Makers LLC website
Mind Makers presentation deck
Other projects: